The classic book, "Green Eggs And Ham" is a book we all grew up reading. Now our kids are reading this classic story.

Green Eggs and Ham: These unforgettable words that stay with you forever. “I am Sam, Sam I am” begins with this amazing tale. Only Dr. Seuss could compose such silly, yet elegant stories, and all with a simple thought. Kids and adults alike have loved and cherished the stories that have become a part of tradition. This is just one such story. With rhythm and rhyme that is easy to follow and a story that makes you want to say, “Just try the green eggs and ham, you may like them Sam I am!”, this is one story that may take you on adventures to read more tales by Dr. Seuss. Reading this book with a child may offer you more than you bargained for, especially when you try to read it faster and faster. An “I Can Read” book, this story for young children only contains fifty words, all of which are easily read and understood.
*So remember, as the summer continues to keep going, get your little ones into some great books to keep their communication skills in check. Dr. Seuss is a great way to start as he is was one bad literary rock star.*
Literary Barbie