Friday, April 12, 2013


Spring is here and summer is on the way!

For all of you bookworms and other's alike, it's time to update that booklist!

Remember to choose titles that challenge your reading ability and that will enable you to learn something new. 

Reading is a great way to enhance your communication and social connections.  Once you start, I promise you won't want to stop:)

For all of my "mommies" out there, don't forget to get books for the kids.  If money is tight, then hit up your local salvation army or goodwill to purchase books.  Those places along with other thrift stores normally have kid books between $1-$6. 

Trust me it's well worth the gas to trek over to get your little ones the books they need.

All in all, don't forget to have fun this summer and definitely have super fun getting your read on.

Literary Barbie
*Get Your Read On*