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1. "My Panty Drawer Dilemma: How I Started The Fabulous Panty Drawer Intervention" by: Sahara Hill
We love this read because it has friendship, women related issues, happiness, sadness, and panty drawer issues! Our favorite character is Sonya. Her issues opened up a whole business that helped women clean out their emotional clutter.
We can't wait until the next book comes out!
Get your copy from today!
2. BEWARE OF MY BITCHITUDE: More Bitchitude For The Bitch's Soul" by: C.J. Calett
We love this read because author C.J. Calett tells it like it is! She brings bitchy to a whole new level, with how she breaks down women from all walks of life. We all know someone from most of those women that C.J. addresses in her book. Even though the book is short, it has meat, realness and just straight hood at times. We love it!
Get the first book that started it all: "Beware of my bitchitude: being bitchy is a hot mess."
The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman, living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.
Read it and you'll be a Jane Austen Fan just like we are! L.B.
On the brink of winning the election Sydney Howard is on top of the world with big ambition. He can smell the win and all the good things with becoming a top politician for the state of Maryland . Sydney has good looks, a wonderful personality, a great family and lots of friends. Wining is just the beginning for Sydney . He has to maintain his image and his political platform. However, with winning he will be in the limelight, try to fight a plethora of black lash, rumors and his darkest secrets that he has hidden in his closet will be revealed to the world. Dramatic, seduction and politics all play a role in this tale of man and his career as politician. He will soon find out that politics is more than just a job and a political platform.
Politics can be a dirty profession as Sydney will soon find out. What “lies” ahead will be a road of betrayal, deceit and ultimately a political hot mess.
*We love this read because it's political, hot, heavy, and down right comical. Politics can be dirty, and as you will read in this story, it's just dirty, grimy and crazy political.*
4. SNOBBY MOMMY BY: Sahara Hill
We love "Snobby Mommy" because it takes you into the life of a woman who lost it all and had to start over. The character "Lira" truly inspired us to appreciate what we have and to not take anything for granted.
Lira was able to start over, fall in love, grow her business and become a phenomenon in the story. It's quite spectacular and I hope the author does a part two this story.
We give it 5 out of 5!
Review by Rhonda Harvey
5. DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF IN LOVE: Simple ways to nuture and strengthen your relationships while avoiding the habits that break down your loving connection" BY: Richard Carlson, PhD and Kristine Carlson
This book just like all the rest of author Richard Carlson's books are staples in my home. I also gift them to friends, family and co-workers.
This book teaches us to think before we speak, act, and complain. The advice is spot on and it makes you think about your current relationship (s).
We love every ounce of this book and that's why we recommend it to you.
Get it today and "don't sweat the small stuff in love."
6. "KINKY GLORY: Short Stories of Spirituality, Drama And Kinky Sex" BY: C.J. Calett
Product Description
Sex and religion is more prevalent than ever before. It’s in our churches like no body’s business. Often times we here about preachers getting it on with their members. We here kids whispering about fucking behind the church building or in the church parking lot. The church has become a breeding ground for fornication and hot kinky side shows that make today’s headlines. The crazy thing is that, everyone’s involved one way or another, mainly the Pastor.
In Kinky Glory: Short Sories of Spirituality, Drama And Kinky Sex, C.J Calett brings us the "dirty, dirty" of the mega church. Story after story she gives us drama, kinky sex and craziness centered around one church and it's Pastor.
Available on amazon for download now!
In Kinky Glory: Short Sories of Spirituality, Drama And Kinky Sex, C.J Calett brings us the "dirty, dirty" of the mega church. Story after story she gives us drama, kinky sex and craziness centered around one church and it's Pastor.
Available on amazon for download now!
By: Jean Bennedict Raffa

Healing the Sacred Divide is timely: As issues of faith and women drive our political dialogue at national and local levels, it offers a highly useful window into troublesome assumptions rarely recognized. Bringing these into the open can be enormously helpful for resolving conflict and promoting fruitful compromise between entrenched parties.
Author Jean Benedict Raffa first explores eight common ways of thinking about God that create strife in ourselves and contribute to the rampant divisiveness in our world. She then helps us see (and work with) the emotional ignorance of this situation that spoils relationships—through distorting what we think “God” and others want of and for us.
Raffa then invites us to entertain what she calls “an integrated God-image.” She offers it as a basis from which to bridge differences and work creatively with fundamental dualities such as masculine/feminine, good/evil, relationship/individuality, heart/head, subjectivity/objectivity, experience/belief, mystery/clarity, etc. In the process she explores a variety of personal crises and political dysfunctions that arise from overemphasizing masculine ego-values in ourselves and our conception of God, and ways to overcome them by honoring feminine values equally.
Doing so, she says, makes available “nine wisdom gifts” that offer a reprieve from unrelenting anxiety and guilt about never being good enough, and help us connect intimately with what feels truly sacred to us. From there, she suggests, we are in a much better position to make peace with ourselves and one another, and to contribute together to “humanity’s noblest dream of universal peace, justice, and love.
*If you ever wanted to learn how to connect with your self and seek inner peace; read this Jean Raffa's book! In her book she talks about our inner compelling needs and our egos.
She takes you on a journey through the human psyche and soul, both personally and universally.
This book is a must read! Get it today on today!*